28 September 2007

Was awakened today by a phone call from one of my agencies (the one I really like). Figured it was probably around 10 or 10:30am, but when I hung up and looked at the time it was 11:40am. Holy cow! I probably would've kept sleep at least until noon if not for the phone call. Was feeling like a lazy slug so I got to work right away on redesigning the online course I'm teaching for COCC this fall. Am proud to say I actually FINISHED it this afternoon and it's now up & running. Now feel like productive superstar rather than lazy slug, though I have barely left my bed all day. Woo hoo!

If I had gotten up earlier I would have gone down to the market and bought eggs and potatoes, and I would be making a tortilla espaƱola at this very moment. Did not work out that way, however, so I´ve had to make due with some toast and peanut butter (yes, we have actually found peanut butter in Spain) until the mercado opens again at 5pm. (Closes for siesta, you see.) In the meantime I need to do some lesson planning for next week´s classes and add to my deck of "cards" I´m building for phonetics gin-rummy.

Tonight the girls and I are going over to a fellow TtMadrid alum´s house for dinner and then to her husband´s office for a party that will supposedly last until 6am. Am looking forward to being at a private party rather than going out to some smokey bar or club for entertainment.

Highlights of my day so far:
1. Lovely cool weather continues. Am sitting in bed wearing jeans, shirt, sweater, and scarf! =*)
2. Figured out how to change my keyboard settings to get Spanish letters! Now just need to figure out where everything is. Had a helluva time making that smiley face after #1 & finally had to change it back to American keyboard in order to make it.

1 comment:

  1. In't the fall spectacular? And goddess bless those laptops, which can allow us to feel productive even if we didn't leave our beds all day long.
