14 September 2007


Today I went in to one of my agencies to do some photocopying and to ask about next week's schedule. While there I finally met the boss-man, whose name I didn't understand and couldn't pronounce (is a weird British name). After asking me which companies I was teaching and how many hours I had with them, he paused, looked straight into my eyes and asked, "Are you a good teacher?" I shrugged, looked back and him and said, "Yeah," with absolute certainty.

Earlier in the day I was walking from my house to the Cercanias station and a youngish guy with a dolly full of (concrete mix???) comes careening around the corner, so I jump out of his way and he says (in Spanish), "What are you afraid of, good-looking?" He was shortly followed by an older Spanish man in his 60's who stopped and asked me if I wanted a cigarette. "No!" I said, surprised. "No? You don't want one?" He was obviously fucking with me, but he feigned surprise. The younger guy was doubled over laughing at this point. "No! I mean, no thank you," and I walked on.

Earlier still, I called up the elevator as I was leaving the piso. When it arrived it was mostly taken up with an elderly man (80's? 90's?) and his rolly-walker. This was surprising to me, since we live on the top floor and he didn't seem to be getting out. "Oh! Excuse me!" I said. "Get in, get in," he said kindly. "Are you going down?" I asked. He was. We had a brief conversation about which apartment I was in and who I "belonged" to. I explained we were three girls renting a flat from the man who owns the shoe repair store. "Well you are extremely good-looking," he said as we exited on the bottom floor. I held the door open for him. "That you find a nice boyfriend who treats you well and deserves you," he finished. "Uh, thank you," I said.

You can't make this shit up.

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