21 August 2007

white is in

White is the hot color for women this season here in Madrid. Everyone seems to have a cute little white top and a snow white dress. But the disturbing part comes when they turn to white pants or mini skirts. The problem with summer fabrics is that they're thin. I'll tell you that panty lines are NOT in. So the problem with summer fabrics in white is that your panties would show, so they just don't wear any. Which leaves what? Yes, you guessed it: flesh. I'm sorry, but I'd much rather see a woman's panties through the fabric of her pants or skirt than her naked ass. But maybe I'm in the minority here.

Today was an emotional day. The class I taught was very taxing. I put a lot of energy into it, and when it was over it was like coming down off a high and I could do nothing but cry for a while. Nothing horrible happened...one student fell asleep a couple times, but I knew it wasn't my fault. I did feel the class was a little slow at a couple points, but overall I thought I did a great job. And I got the best mark on this teaching practice that I've received so far. But it was just exhausting. Then after school I went with the girls to help them get cellphones and we worked ourselves up into such a giggling frenzy that tears were rolling down our cheeks and we were practically falling over onto the sidewalk. It was so infectious that I couldn't help smiling and giggling to myself all the way home. I'm sure I looked like a total looney. Ah well.

No more teaching practices this week is the good news. I have time to catch up on my Learner Profile project and plan my telephone class with the student. And am very excited because on Monday of next week my teaching topic is dance. Hooray!!! Traded with a classmate to get that topic and absolutely cannot wait to teach the pre-intermediates the basic east coast swing step. I'll also have a one-on-one class (very difficult because it's 50 minutes with one student) and one other class on any ol' topic I want next week. Of course, next week is also the last week of the course, so there will be exams and moderation as well. Eeek! Lots & lots to do.

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