14 August 2007

warming up to Madrid

It now seems definite that I will be offered a job with the school in Alzira. The directors of that school have talked with the directors of my school and named names of the people they're most interested in, and I've been informed that I'm in the top 3. They hope(d) to take 3-4 teachers to Valencia. And I'm still completely uncertain about whether I want the job. This morning I was sure I would take it, and at this moment I'm sure I wouldn't. I doubt myself, and wonder whether I'm trying to convince myself that I want it just to have some certainty and because I was a little soured on Madrid. But this evening I flipped through In Madrid, the city's English language entertainment magazine, and I got excited because there's so much to do here: concerts, theatre, museums, intercambios (language exchanges) almost every night of the week, an English language magazine to work for...you get the idea. They won't have all that stuff in Alzira. But because Alzira is smaller, I think it more likely that I would meet and mix with native Spaniards...though I have no idea whether that's actually true. One of my problems is that I can find the advantages and disadvantages of anything, and I can talk myself into or out of pretty much anything without knowing what it is I really WANT to do. Sigh. It's a very tough decision.

Am in a better mood in general today because I got to socialize a bit yesterday and today with some of my classmates. And got to eat some yummy Italian food by the Reina Sofia after school. Though again I had the problem where the waiter was expecting to not understand me, so he didn't understand me, and that was kind of annoying. But it feels good to connect with people and get to hang out a bit. Things are a bit more relaxed a school this week...a little more self-paced due to the teaching practice and lesson planning sessions and all that. Am very glad to have a little more unstructured time during the day, though we all have a lot of work to do still.

Tomorrow is a National holiday in Spain. No idea why. Am sure I could find out easily, but I don't really care that much as we don't have the day off from school. Just means there is no teaching practice tomorrow, so we'll either skip ahead in the lessons or have more unstructured time during the day to work on all our projects. Personally hope it is the latter, as I prefer a slightly more relaxed pace and the extra time to ask the teacher questions.

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