03 August 2007

A Coruña (part deux)

I think I prefer Santiago to A Coruña. Santiago was charming (just talking about Old Town), but A Coruña is much newer, all made of glass and modern buildings. The beach is just a small crescent below the street and is always crowded. I haven´t tried going down there. Despite all the tourist attractions, there isn´t much here that interests me. Though Julie and I are going to the art museum this morning, which I look forward to.

I started a new novel yesterday, borrowed from Julie, called "Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World." It´s by a Japanese author, Haruki Murakami. So far it´s fantastic. Like a Japanese Italo Calvino. It gives me something to do besides going bar-hopping, which is already old.

I´m looking forward to settling in to a place in Madrid and developing a routine. Maybe cooking some of my own food. I´m actually tired of eating out...mostly because there´s a limited variety of foods I´m willing to pay for and eat. I´m tired of going out at night too. Really I´d be happy with a plate of jamon and queso and a beer at 9 or 10pm and calling it good, but it somehow feels wrong to return to the hostel earlier than 11 or 12. As though I´m not making an effort to participate in the culture. I´m also looking forward to starting school and making more friends.

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