17 August 2007


Today I saw personal lubricant and condoms beside athlete's foot spray in the pharmacy store window. Interesting choice of placement. It makes as much sense to me as what the Spanish choose or do not choose to translate from English to Spanish. The movie Die Hard became La jungla de cristal (The Glass Jungle), but Ghost just stayed Ghost.

We are oficially half way through the course. Can hardly believe it. This week went much better than the first, and at the end of it I'm not nearly as exhausted as I was at the end of last week. Have some homework to do this weekend, but am by no means feeling anxious or overwhelmed by the amount of work. Is great.

Have made plans to go out tonight with a bunch of classmates. We intend to stay out all night, so I'm off to take a nap now.

1 comment:

  1. I took a nap today, tambien. When I awoke, it seemed I had just missed discovery of a fundamental truth. Objects in my environment, indeed, my world itself seemed highly suspect, as if they might be the ideas of themselves, rather than actualities.
