10 August 2007

finally friday

The week is finally over!!! Three more to go. (Uf!) I can't decide whether I want to go out tonight or not. On the one hand, I could probably use some sleep and I only have a few Euros left in my pocket and the FedEx package with credit card, debit card and checks won't arrive until Monday. On the other hand, I don't actually feel that tired at the moment and I could use a night out with fun people and I could always use a credit card at a supermarket to get food, etc. tomorrow.

Have quite a lot of homework to do this weekend and I have my first teaching session on Monday. I'm trying very hard to forget about it so I don't make myself sick with nerves. It's not the teaching that makes me nervous; it's the harsh judgment I know is coming afterward. I have a hard time taking blunt criticism, so I know it's going to be a very emotionally exhausting day. Will need to treat myself well this weekend to put myself in a good mental space (another argument for going out tonight).

The highlights of my roommates' video/DVD collection:
Alejandro Sanz's "Los Singles"
Matrix (not The Matrix, just Matrix)
American Beauty
Flamenco: Video Souvenir
Dirty Dancing
El Talento de Mr. Ripley
Love Actually
Bridget Jones Sobrevivire
Jackie Brown
Como Agua Para Chocolate

Here we all sleep with the windows and doors (except front door) open to encourage as much air circulation as possible. After walking home, the apartment feels like a little oven, but if you're still and sitting in front of a window or patio door where the breeze is coming in it's not so bad.

I never know what I'll find when I get home from school. Sometimes everyone plus some are here, chatting in the kitchen or living room. Sometimes no one is home and I have the place to myself until I go to bed. Sometimes there are one or two people here, but they go out shortly after I arrive. (Do I really smell that bad? =*) When there ARE people here, they are always v. friendly...asking me how I'm doing, how my day went, how the classes are going, etc. If I ask them to, they'll repeat things for me or speak a little more slowly. I still can't keep up with the normal pace of their conversation. I'm not used to listening that quickly.

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