05 October 2007

moments in Spain

A few days ago walking to the metro: suddenly realized that they´ve planted rosemary bushes along the sidewalks. Smells fantastic.

This morning when I left the house: mist hangs in the air; pitch black, cloudless sky; a thumbnail moon and one bright star.

On the train to work: the man next to me had a runny nose and didn´t have any kleenex. I sympathized but was hesitant to offer him a tissue because I didn´t want him to think I was weird. In the end, compassion won out. He was surprised but took a tissue with a muchas gracias. De nada I replied, and that was that.

When I got to work: I was early, but tried the door anyway--turned the handle and pulled--and found it locked as expected. 8 o´clock comes and goes and my student´s secretary still hasn´t come in. I continue to wait. A random woman walks by and asks, Is the door locked? I think so, I say, and try it again just to make sure. Turn handle and pull: still nothing. At 8:15 my cellphone rings. It is my student´s secretary asking where I am. I´m at the door and it´s locked, I say. No it isn´t, she says. Yes it is, I say, and try it again just to be sure. This time I push instead of pull and the door opens. Oh. Completely embarrassed that I am fifteen minutes late to my class because I couldn´t figure out how to open a door that I have come through three times before.

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