28 October 2007

bad dream

This morning I woke up from a bad dream. I was in the U.S., and it was the start of a long weekend. I was looking for people to hang out with, but then I found out, one by one, that all my friends were going away with their partners or with other friends for the weekend. I felt extremely lonely as each friend dropped by to say goodbye on their way out of town. I felt very left out and abandoned; I was crying. But then Brad gave me a really nice, long hug and I started to feel better. I began to realize that the reason everyone was stopping by was because they loved me, not because they were leaving me.

I think this is a really interesting dream, considering the fact that it was I who left my friends and family at home, and not they who abandoned me.

I also think it's interesting that in the dream Brad's partner was Dannon and he got really jealous when Brad hugged me and thought that Brad & I were having sex. My guess is that Brad-of-the-dream is an amalgum of my closest friends at home...not sure why there would be jealousy from the partners though.

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