27 October 2007

this is me being responsible

Tonight I had to choose between buying a bottle of wine or buying a 16oz. bottle of orange juice. In the end I chose the orange juice because our apartment is freezing and everyone on the metro is coughing and sneezing. (ha ha I rhymed! as my dad would say: "I´m a poet and don´t know it.")

If I have to choose between buying a space heater and buying a sweater, I'll choose the sweater because it has more uses. I can take it with me, whereas the space heater is only good for heating up my room.

Today the roommates and I went to the Starbucks at Plaza de España to escape the cold of our apartment and to have a different view while we worked. I have to say it was rather pleasant. Starbucks is one of the few places in Madrid that don´t allow smoking, and it has a great view of the plaza and a couple of busy intersections. Afterwards, we went and found a bookstore we´d read about in In Madrid that sells used English-language books and I ended up buying two books for €11. Books! I have books to read!!! I bought Terry Pratchett's Maskerade, and Margaret Atwood's Cat's Eye. My roommates have gone out tonight, but I have opted to stay in and read Terry Pratchett. Joy and rapture!

Tomorrow is the TtMadrid hike in the mountains north of Madrid. Nature! Trees and rocks and dirt! Will be cold, but so worth it. I'll try to remember to bring my camera. We leave the Atocha train station at 2pm and won't get back until 9:30pm or so. Am glad I don't have class Monday morning, as I still have half my lesson planning to do. But will get up early (i.e. before 11am) tomorrow to work on it.

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