12 April 2008

the pop culture death trap

Those of you who know me well already know that I have a secret, shameful obsession with reality & makeover shows such as What Not to Wear and America's Next Top Model. Well now the rest of you know too.

I spent pretty much all of yesterday watching TV online. The shows that managed to capture my attention for hours and hours on end? I would like to say I was watching The Colbert Report or Discovery Channel documentaries, but the sad truth is I watched the entire first season of Canada's Next Top Model and the entire season of America's Most Smartest Model. Of course the worst part is that I get sucked into these shows and choose favorites and become outraged and even cry at times. Oh dear.

Yes, it's true, I'm a huge geek who should know better but who still gets caught up in the drama of evil money-making industries such as the beauty and fashion industry. What can I say? We none of us are perfect.

Also very very excited because I found a place online to watch the new season of Battlestar Galactica. YYEEESSSSS!!!! During the day the site doesn't work as well, so I have to wait until tonight to watch the second episode, and I'm practically holding my breath until then. LOVE LOVE LOVE BSG!!!

Speaking of things I like, there's this blog that one of my Facebook friends introduced me to that I've been tracking. It's called Stuff White People Like. Although I don't relate to each and every post, I do think the writing is good and exposes, in a tongue-in-cheek manner, some of the quirks of mainstream white American culture. Unfortunately Target just bought the site and will begin to use it as another avenue for advertising, so I doubt the site will continue to be as interesting. I highly recommend the older posts though.

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