15 January 2008

i'm sick

Oh, what I wouldn't give for a box of Puffs Plus with lotion and a bottle of cherry flavored Ny-Quil. It started as an occasional tickle in the back of my throat yesterday and has escalated to a persistent tickle, aching eyes, sinuses so full of fluid that my ears pop from time to time, and an inability to get sufficient amounts of air through my nostrils. I've gone through at least four packages of tissues today and my nose is RAW. Thankfully I didn't have any lunchtime classes today, so I was able to come home after my morning class and get another four hours of sleep before going to my evening class.

I've also spent a few hours over the last couple of days reading shopgirl by Steve Martin. This is the first Steve Martin book I've read. I received it for Christmas from my grandmother and I didn't know what to expect, but it was surprisingly good. The writing is simple but interesting, the narration insightful but not too detailed. It was a "quiet" novel, like Atwood's Cat's Eye. And it was short, which in my book is a virtue. After The Stand I'm all for books that can be finished in a day.

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