13 March 2008

travelling tomorrow

Well tomorrow's the day I fly out to Munich. I'll be staying with former TEFL classmate Craig, who is teaching English there and has an apartment in Munich proper. He has the weekend free, so he's agreed to show me around the town and maybe even take a day trip with me to Fussen or similar. When he goes back to work on Monday I'll probably do a couple of day trips on my own and explore Munich in the evening. On the 18th I'll head to Salzburg for two nights. Will book the Sound of Music Tour as soon as I arrive at my hotel. Then back to Munich on the 20th and fly back to Madrid on the afternoon of the 21st.

Am not feeling particularly enthusiastic at the moment, perhaps because I still have to get through three more classes today and I have not had a nap (so spoiled!) and I have to wake up early-ish tomorrow to get to the airport on time. Also the weather in Madrid is beautiful today and might even get up to 70 degrees, but in Munich it's only 45 degrees and raining. Sigh. Am sure my perspective will change when I get there. Anyway it usually feels good to go see someplace new, rain or no rain. Will just have to pack many layers.

I've been ordered by multiple students to take lots of pictures. Some want to see what the men look like, others want to see pictures of the towns and landscape so they can travel vicariously through me or better remember their own travels.

I'm not taking my computer with me and I don't know if I'll have access to the Internet while I'm away, so I might not post again until the 21st or 22nd. Until then!

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