08 February 2008

There are few things I love better than spending a sunny afternoon in bed reading or sleeping. I know that most people wouldn't agree; they would rather be outside enjoying the sun and using their bodies well, perhaps by taking a walk or bike ride. Sometimes, I agree, it is nice to spend an afternoon this way. But there's something so uniquely delicious, so sinful and self-indulgent, about wasting an entire perfectly good afternoon by being lazy. About 15 minutes ago I woke up from a 2.5 hour nap taken in the middle of a sunny Friday afternoon. While everyone else was finishing up their work week, I was cradled in the depths of unconsciousness. Lovely.

This week in review:

Monday--was incredibly happy for no good reason.

Tuesday--a little less ecstatic, but jolly nonetheless. Felt confident about my improving Spanish skills. Had my Elementary class, a small room full of 25-45 year old manly men, doing the Hokey Pokey. Fabulous.

Wednesday--went to dinner at my ex-roommates' after work. Two Spanish girls, Laura and Sara, their new roommate from Pamplona, Iñaki, and their friend Juanmi (Juan Miguel). I was starving at 8pm but we didn't sit down to eat until 10:15pm. I nibbled on croquetas and downed three glasses of wine before dinner, understanding almost every word Laura said, about 3/4 of what Iñaki said, and almost nothing Juanmi or Sara said. Hm. Perhaps my listening comprehension is still not so good.

Thursday--no morning class, so got to sleep in until 10am. Felt refreshed, relaxed, in control. Had good classes. Ended the day at McDonald's, gorging myself on 6 chicken nuggets, a small fry and a cheeseburger. Watched the special features on my roommate's Bridget Jones's Diary DVD before going to bed.

Today--had to get up early to get paid. Took the metro with another teacher, whom I'd met but hadn't hung out with before. Think we will be friends. Went grocery shopping on way home (food is good). Took nap after eating.

In about an hour I have an hour-long private class in my neighborhood, then will hurry hurry to get ready and go meet New Friend Andrew at Tribunal for a drink. From there will head to the TtMadrid graduation party; Martín is graduating today.

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