04 July 2007

no news & other news

No new news on the passport front. I *would* have called the passport office today, except I realized that it was the 4th of July, which happens to be a national holiday, and government offices are closed. But will get on it first thing tomorrow!

In other news: I am completely & utterly hooked on Facebook and have already made "friends" with several people who live or will soon live in Spain; I have preordered the 7th & final Harry Potter book and plan to save it to read on the plane; I bought a digital camera so that I can post pictures of my adventures abroad on this blog; and Mom comes home from AZ tomorrow (hooray!!!).

Also, still have not finalized travel plans with Julie and am a little worried we will not actually be sleeping in a hotel, hostel, or other similar establishment because the entire continent of Europe goes on vacation in August and probably made their reservations, oh, last year. But we are confident, capable, independent young women who do not fear sleeping in the great outdoors! Unless there are bugs. But surely there must be a village or two in northern Spain that are not inundated with tourists... Surely??

Oh, yes, and the friend-of-a-friend with the flat in Madrid emailed me to say her first possible house sitter (a native madrileno) IS going to stay at their flat for the month of August, so I emailed my school and asked them to find me a cheaper room. Was tempted to ask the friend-of-a-friend how old her house sitter is and whether he is handsome and single, but I restrained myself. Have not yet heard back from the school, even to say they received my request. Hmph. Suppose they are busy this time of year.

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