12 October 2008


Here's the news in brief:

Am temping at a law firm downtown, where I basically bet paid to write and read all day. Excellent.

Current writing projects include: (1) a non-fiction book about my experiences teaching in Madrid, (2) a series of feature articles about being a late 20's single female in the contemporary dating market, (3) a series of feature articles about people in professions that are largely dominated by the opposite gender (e.g. female auto mechanics, male nurses, etc.), (4) The Lilly Frank trilogy.

Most recent book(s) I've read: all four Stephanie Meyer vampire novels from the Twilight series.

Plan to go to Italy in January or March for one month to take an Italian class and work on the novel.

Plan to go to Germany next October for one month to take a German class and work on the novel.

Plan to go to China in 2010 to teach for a semester at a Chinese university, to learn some Chinese, and to work on the novel.

Have just started a new blog to act as a central hub for my creative pursuits. If interested, you can find it at http://sioneaeschliman.blogspot.com